• Prices are shown in US dollars. For conversion, we recommend using a Currency Converter.


  • Any import duties, taxes or brokerage fees at the time of delivery are the sole responsibility of the receiving customer.


  • Packing slips for International Shipments cannot be marked as “gift” or with altered prices.


  • International Orders may require an additional 5-10 business days or more of additional processing time prior to shipment as we may need to consolidate items to one location for shipment.


  • Some products may not be shipped to a certain destination due to individual country restrictions and laws that don’t allow certain ingredients that are found in our products. If you have an item selected that cannot be shipped international to your country, we will do our best to inform you in the checkout process on our site or before your order is shipped. Ultimately it is our customers responsibility to know whether the product they are purchasing is legal to be brought into their country. 


  • After much deliberation about completely restricting international orders, due to fulfillment and legal concerns and laws of different countries we have decided to continue to serve our loyal and valued international customers. However, to save our customers on shipping costs and to provide you the necessary support for your international orders, we are now requiring a minimum of 5 units or more to be purchased at checkout.


  • We thank you so much for understanding and we at BIOLabs PRO want to continue to support your health goals. If there are any questions don’t hesitate to reach out to us at care@biolabspro.com and we will gladly help with whatever you need.