What is the difference between estrogen and phytoestrogen?

What is the difference between estrogen and phytoestrogen?

Posted by Elizabeth Lopez on

When it comes to hormone replacement therapy, understanding the differences between estrogen and phytoestrogen is crucial for menopausal and postmenopausal women. Estrogen replacement, integral to hormone therapy, includes both synthetic forms and natural phytoestrogens. These alternatives provide varied approaches to managing menopausal symptoms, requiring women to weigh the potent relief from synthetic hormones against the gentler, plant-based effects of phytoestrogens in their journey through menopause.

Estrogen in Hormone Replacement Therapy

Before we dive into phytoestrogens, let's first look at what estrogen is and its role in hormone replacement therapy. Hormone therapy has been around for decades for managing menopausal symptoms. In fact, it's considered by the medical community to be the most effective method for bringing the body back in balance. In essence, hormone replacement adds back the missing hormones to your body.

Estrogen naturally decreases as one ages because of genetic factors, lifestyle choices, or various reasons. The hormone is primarily produced in the ovaries, and amounts increase or decrease depending on a woman's menstrual cycle. Men make it as well, but in smaller doses.

Our bodies have hormone receptors that absorb the circulating estrogen and use it where it's needed most. Most people associate estrogen as a female hormone and know about its importance for fertility and sustaining a healthy pregnancy. Yet estrogen also helps build strong bones, boosts the immune system, and enhances cognitive abilities, among other essential benefits.

When you're low on this miracle substance, you start to experience menopausal symptoms like hot flashes, vasomotor symptoms, low bone density, and more.

Estrogen therapy also comes in various forms, with ingredients derived from natural sources like yams and soy to synthetic sources like equine urine. 

While both can be effective, plant-based estrogens have fewer adverse effects on the body and are a superior form of treatment. Plus, they are available without a prescription, in maximum doses, and with the highest possible bioavailability for the body.

Phytoestrogens: Nature's Answer to Estrogen Replacement

Most people have heard the statement, "You are what you eat," which can be applied to phytoestrogens and estrogens. Phytoestrogens come solely from plant-based food sources, notably in soy products, flaxseeds, grains, and legumes. They are not hormones but have chemical structures similar to estrogen. Soy phytoestrogen might also be infused with other natural ingredients like red clover, olive oil, or essential oils.

It may be considered weak estrogen since the sources of phytoestrogen are entirely natural. Still, phytoestrogens bind to estrogen receptors like the estrogen produced in the body and have the same effect. Phytoestrogen provides a mighty hormone punch without actually being a hormone at all.

Benefits of Phytoestrogens

The benefits of phytoestrogens include bringing the body back into hormonal balance to fight menopausal symptoms at their source. Symptoms of menopause include one or more of the following:

  • Mood swings
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Sleep issues
  • Hot flashes
  • Low sex drive
  • Brain fog
  • Cognitive dysfunction
  • Vaginal atrophy
  • Weak bones
  • Impaired immune system
  • Dry skin
  • Brittle nails
  • Weak hair

BIOLabs Pro offers high-quality phytoestrogen designed for women's health while completely hormone-free. Made without fillers or parabens in an FDA-approved facility using the highest quality ingredients possible. In fact, when you read the label, you can understand everything listed.

The novel formula comes in an easy-to-apply cream that is soothing on your body and follows Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) to ensure the formula has the highest purity and quality.

Comparing Estrogen and Phytoestrogens in Clinical Studies

More studies need to be done to examine the differences between estrogen and phytoestrogen in the body. However, some published studies from the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism and Cancer look at these compounds' roles in controlling menopausal symptoms.

Synthetic estrogen used in hormone replacement therapy shows benefits in easing menopausal discomforts such as hot flashes. Still, it may also have potential risks like breast cancer and cardiovascular issues. On the other hand, phytoestrogens found in soy products offer similar relief with fewer risks, as suggested by randomized controlled trials. Studies indicate that plant-based estrogens have a milder effect on the body, making them a promising alternative for those seeking bioidentical hormone therapy options.

In the end, both estrogen and phytoestrogen combat menopausal symptoms, yet clinical studies indicate that taking phytoestrogens and plant estrogens are safer and more effective alternatives to synthetic estrogen.

Further Dive into Safety and Health Implications

Synthetic hormone replacement therapy, while beneficial in many aspects, can carry potential risks, notably an increased risk of breast and endometrial cancer. Understanding these risks is crucial, particularly for women with a history of these cancers in their family. On the other hand, phytoestrogens, being plant-derived and structurally similar to human estrogen, may offer a safer alternative, with research suggesting a possible reduced risk of cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

Moreover, the choice between synthetic estrogen and phytoestrogens may also depend on individual health goals, dietary preferences, and specific menopausal symptoms. The inclusion of phytoestrogens in the diet through soy products and other plant-based foods can be a more natural approach to managing menopausal symptoms for some. In contrast, others may require the more potent effects of synthetic hormone therapy.

In conclusion, the decision to use estrogen or phytoestrogens in hormone replacement therapy involves a careful consideration of the benefits and potential risks. Consulting healthcare professionals, reviewing clinical studies, and considering personal health circumstances are essential to making an informed choice. Whether opting for synthetic estrogen or phytoestrogens, the goal remains to alleviate menopausal symptoms safely and effectively, ensuring a better quality of life during the menopausal transition and beyond. BIOLabs Pro offers a natural choice for a high-quality phytoestrogen cream, no matter your symptoms. 

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