What are the symptoms of low estrogen levels?

What are the symptoms of low estrogen levels?

Posted by Matt S on

So, you’re thinking you have low estrogen and want to know what the symptoms are. Well, you’re not alone; estrogen deficiency is a natural part of life and affects millions of people. Yet, the symptoms can be everything from moodiness to weight gain. The symptoms can also vary from person to person and come and go in intensity.

Plus, symptoms can crossover with other medical concerns, making it hard to know if they’re coming from low estrogen or something else at times. So in this article, we’ll dive into the nitty-gritty of low estrogen and the common signs you need a supplement.

What is estrogen?

Understanding the symptoms of low estrogen starts with first looking at what it is and its importance in the body. Estrogen is called the female hormone and primarily helps regulate menstruation and fertility. But it also helps build strong bones and promote cardiovascular health.

Estrogen has an effect on your mood, sleep, cognition, and skin. It’s an unseen force in your body that provides an incredible amount of benefit from an early age to your golden years.

The production peaks in early adulthood and starts to decrease as women reach menopause. 

But don’t be fooled by the word “decrease.” It more than decreases; it plummets off a cliff, leaving your body shaken. The vital hormone is no longer being produced in abundance, and this causes symptoms of low estrogen.

Symptoms of Low Estrogen

Below are some common symptoms of estrogen deficiency. As mentioned, symptoms can vary in type and intensity. It’s also important to note that men produce estrogen as well, just in smaller amounts.

Hot Flashes

One of the most common symptoms of low estrogen is hot flashes. They are exactly what you think they are— intense moments of heat resulting in flushed cheeks and sweat. Hot flashes usually occur when women are going through menopause. 

Suddenly, without warning, a “flash” of heat courses over your body, and you feel as if you finished a hardcore workout. Hot flashes can come at any time of day, in any type of weather, and as quickly as they start can finish. The symptom is uncomfortable, inconvenient, and embarrassing at times.

Night Sweats

Night sweats are like hot flashes, except they happen at night. People report waking up in a pool of sweat, having to change clothes, or take a shower. At first, you may feel like you’re coming down with something or the room is hot, but night sweats have nothing to do with the external environment but everything to do with low estrogen levels.


When you call someone moody, it isn’t a compliment. And people suffering from low estrogen find that moodiness is a daily thing. One moment you feel normal and fine, and the next moment, you’re filled with anger or anxiety.

Your anger switch seems to be turned on easier than before, and the smaller things seem to bother you more. Well, it’s not you; it’s estrogen. Tell that to your kids and partner!

Low Sex Drive

Okay, low estrogen is connected to aging unless you have another underlying condition or hereditary factor affecting production. People typically have a lower sex drive as they age, and one reason is low estrogen. Remember when we mentioned that estrogen helps regulate fertility and menstruation.

The hormone plays an essential role in the entire process, but it also helps promote a healthy sex drive. High fertility rates mean you need to have a healthy amount of sex. Estrogen helps give you that amorous feeling you need to slip between the sheets. But without the stuff, you may be less likely to feel sexual.

Weight Gain

Now, who wants to gain a few pounds? Well, low estrogen levels can encourage weight gain, particularly around the middle. In addition, low estrogen levels can lower metabolism, making it easier to gain weight without changing one’s diet.

To battle the bulge, following a healthy diet primarily of fruits, vegetables, healthy protein, and fat can help gain weight. But you may find it a losing battle without the support of an estrogen supplement to increase your levels.

Depression & Anxiety

Depression and anxiety are different mental health disorders, but it’s common to have both together. Low estrogen may make you feel sad and lonely. Some people report another type of depression than other times in their life. It’s the feeling that nothing is wrong, but everything is at the same time.

There are different types of anxiety as well, and when you have a constant feeling of worry and stress combined with depression, it can take a continuous toll on your life and relationships. If you suspect you have depression or anxiety, speak to your doctor about the next steps.

Weak Bones

Estrogen helps build strong, healthy bones, and a decrease in the hormone increases the risk for osteoporosis. Around 54 million Americans have osteoporosis over the age of 50. 

Osteoporosis is a bone-weakening disease that makes bones brittle and porous. 

People with osteoporosis can easily break bones by falling or, in severe cases, by sneezing or bumping into objects. The disease can be costly, painful, and profound.

Vaginal Atrophy


Another common but somewhat unknown symptom of low estrogen is vaginal atrophy or dryness in the vaginal tissues. Estrogen plays a vital role in the flexibility and softness of your skin, and low levels change how much lubrication is in the vaginal walls. Vaginal atrophy can make sex painful and result in avoiding sex and putting stress on relationships.

The papery, dry vaginal tissue makes it hard to insert a tampon, undergo a vaginal exam, and can result in low self-esteem. While using a water-based lubricant can help, estrogen supplementation helps improve vaginal dryness.

Try an Estrogen Supplement

Topical estrogen creams are easy to use and help balance hormones. Hormone therapy is the number one method to improve low estrogen symptoms. The low-cost, available without a prescription, estrogen therapy may be exactly what you need to live a full and happy life again. Now is the time to start. 

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