How Vitamin D Supplements Can Help Psoriasis?

How Vitamin D Supplements Can Help Psoriasis?

Posted by Elizabeth Lopez on

How Vitamin D Supplements Can Help Psoriasis? 

Psoriasis is an inflammatory skin disease caused by an overactive immune system.  Swollen keratinocytes (skin cells) that are itchy and painful are a sign of psoriasis sores. The epidermis or outer layer of skin absorbs vitamin D3 via sunlight, which is one of the primary sources of this vitamin. Psoriasis researchers in the past few years have shown that vitamin D plays a role in different skin diseases such as skin cancer, psoriatic arthritis, scalp psoriasis, et al. 

Researchers have shown meaningful connections between low levels of vitamin D and treating psoriasis. This article will look at the effectiveness of vitamin D supplements for different psoriasis treatments.


What is Vitamin D?

Vitamin D, nicknamed the sunshine vitamin, is a hormone acquired through sunlight, foods or supplementation. Vitamin D assists calcium absorption through sun exposure. As you probably know, calcium is responsible for building bones and the prevention of osteoporosis.  So even if you're receiving enough calcium in your daily diet, if you don't have enough vitamin D, your body can't synthesize it.


Signs of a Vitamin D Deficiency

  •      Tiredness
  •      Skin problems
  •      Weak bones
  •      Hair loss
  •      Muscle pain
  •      Depression

 Causes and Symptoms of Psoriasis

Causes of psoriasis include a compromised immune system, genetics, and evidence suggest a  vitamin D deficiency.  Psoriasis signs vary from person to person, and the life cycle of the lesions varies. Some sores last a few days and others take a month to surface and then heal. Healthy people have cell build up as well, but the cells fall off before the buildup becomes a problem. However, for those who have psoriasis, cells layer on top of each other causing irritation and abrasions, and the shedding of excess skin is slower.

Typically, patients with psoriasis have the following symptoms:

  •      Red and inflamed skin
  •      Painful, swollen joints
  •      Itching and burning sensation
  •      Cracked and bleeding skin


How Does Vitamin D Supplements Help Psoriasis?

Psoriasis treatments with vitamin D help maintain the skin's protective and water-resistant qualities. In a randomized, double-blind placebo-controlled trial, researchers have shown a link between the vitamin D receptors in the skin and psoriasis sensitivity. Also, other studies reveal that vitamin D is a crucial modulator for skin inflammation. 

More studies are forthcoming, but the evidence so far indicates that people with psoriasis have lower levels of vitamin D. Treatments for severe psoriasis include vitamin D3 supplementation, which raises vitamin levels, lowers inflammation, and discourages skin breakouts. Dietary supplements include topical creams, capsules, and tinctures.

Dermatologists and nutritionists recommend that people with psoriasis help control the symptoms with D3 supplementation, sun exposure, light therapy, and healthy eating. Good food sources of vitamin D include fatty fish with Omega3 fatty acids and fortified cereal, milk, cheese, and orange juice.

Skin diseases affect 125 million people worldwide. Finding psoriasis relief with vitamin D supplements will improve mental health and quality of life.


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Barrea, L., Savanelli, M. C., Di Somma, C., Napolitano, M., Megna, M., Colao, A., & Savastano, S. (2017). Vitamin D and its role in psoriasis: An overview of the dermatologist and nutritionist. Retrieved from

Kostoglou-Athanassiou, I., Athanassiou, P., Lyraki, A., Raftakis, I., & Antoniadis, C. (2012, December). Vitamin D and rheumatoid arthritis. Retrieved from

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