Does Estrogen Cause Hair Loss?

Does Estrogen Cause Hair Loss?

Posted by Matt S on

High levels of estrogen cause hair to become thicker and more luxurious. On the other side, when estrogen levels become low, hair begins to thin and lose strength. This has to do with estrogen’s hair-boosting powers and the profound effect this hormone has on the body.

Estrogen and Hair Loss

Estrogen is a female sex hormone that generates in the ovaries and circulates throughout the body. Most people associate estrogen with fertility and menstrual cycle regulation. While this is one of its primary functions, it also profoundly affects hair quality. 

Women produce estrogen throughout their lives and at different levels as they age and during menstruation. Estrogen helps build an egg follicle for release in the ovaries. When a woman becomes pregnant, estrogen levels remain high. As a result, research shows that pregnant women usually have stronger, healthier hair. However, after birth, when estrogen decreases again, some women report thinning hair or a loss of hair. 

Some loss of hair is normal. Everyone sheds hair, but too much at one results in extreme thinning and baldness. And excessive shedding has a direct relationship with waning or low estrogen levels.

Hair Loss and Menopause

Hormone levels in women usually remain high during child-bearing years. Estrogen and progesterone regulate fertility, but around age 50, women’s levels plummet. It’s as if hormones dive off a cliff. This results in menopausal symptoms, including: 

  • Hot flashes
  • Weight gain
  • Moodiness
  • Vaginal Atrophy
  • Dry skin
  • Weak bones
  • Depression
  • Insomnia
  • Low sexual energy
  • Hair loss

Low estrogen affects each woman differently. For some, hot flashes are a daily occurrence, and for others, it’s weight gain. And yet, for some, hair loss directly results from low hormones.

Also, menopause is something that doesn’t happen overnight. Women are test driving low hormones months to even years before the big event. This is known as the perimenopause stage. So, women can have hair loss during that time as well. Menopause can also last for weeks to months. Or it can happen quickly without any symptoms. 

Asking your mother about her experience can sometimes help you predict yours. 

Even after menopause, hair loss can still result even when women have become accustomed to living with low hormones.

Mental Effects of Hair Loss

Hair loss can poorly affect both men and women. Yet, it’s more common with men and comes with less stigma. Women suffering from hair loss make them feel unattractive, embarrassed, or even ashamed. This may affect her relationships and how sexually desirable she feels. In addition, research has shown that hair loss can cause depression, anxiety, and other mental health concerns.

Other Health Factors

Hair loss is directly related to hormonal changes for both men and women, but it can also be related to other health and lifestyle factors. For example, it can be connected to high-stress levels, poor diet, or illness.

While hair loss can make you feel less attractive, it’s important to remember that it may not be permanent. Also, there are steps or things you can do to improve hair quality and amount.

Reduce Stress

Stress is a silent killer that causes everything from heart disease to poor sleep. And, yes, thinning hair. However, research shows that finding ways to reduce stress can help with many physical ailments. Now, it’s easier said than done to minimize stress in one’s life, but it does start with looking at what is causing stress or what triggers it. 

Make a list of when you feel stressed and find ways to mitigate it. Perhaps, you decide to see a therapist or practice meditation. Or do something you love each day. Lowering stress naturally makes you feel more positive about life, increasing serotonin (happy hormone) and decreasing cortisol (stress hormone).

Make Time to Move

Daily exercise may seem like something too difficult to add in every day, but you’ll be glad when you do. Everyone is different and enjoys various physical activities, but the easiest one may be to take a walk, smell the flowers, and get your mind off daily stresses.

Exercise not only builds muscles but also promotes healthy thoughts and feeling more optimistic about life. Which, in turn, can lower stress and increase hair quality.

Add Veggies To Your Plate

Your diet is also another crucial factor in optimizing hormonal balance. For example, vegetables are a low-calorie way to absorb tons of delicious nutrients your body needs. In the process, you may also slim the waistline, which may even further boost your self-esteem along with thicker hair.

Vegetables also have a lot of water, something your body craves and needs. Drinking more water gives you the sensation you’re fuller while moisturizing your mind, body, and hair from the inside out.

Supplement with Estrogen

Estrogen hormone therapy is a natural way to increase estrogen levels. Hormone therapy works by adding the missing hormones back into the body. You have a few different choices. First, you can consult your doctor and have the healthcare professional prescribe an oral pill. Synthesized estrogen comes from processed horse urine. Some people prefer a more natural approach and look to bioidentical hormone replacement therapy with estrogen.

Estrogen bioidentical hormone replacement therapy comes from wild yams, not horse urine. It mimics the exact estrogen compounds produced in the ovaries, so your body doesn’t know the difference. While you can find it in an oral form, topical estrogen cream is the best way to supplement it. Transdermal creams are applied directly to the skin. Through the dermis, the estrogen soaks through the layers to enter the bloodstream. It’s then transported to waiting receptors, including hair follicles.

Estrogen supplementation can also come in conjunction with progesterone. Sometimes your body needs progesterone and estrogen for a complete hormone therapy experience. 

Finding ways to prevent hair loss is a top priority for people with thinning or balding hair. One reason for the loss can be low estrogen. When you don’t have enough, your hair becomes thinner. Supplement with a high-quality estrogen cream to boost your hair quality. 

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