Can DHEA Affect Your Thyroid Level?

Can DHEA Affect Your Thyroid Level?

Posted by Matt S on

The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland in your neck, and DHEA is a powerful hormone that helps create other hormones in the body. Hypothyroidism happens when the thyroid isn't functioning well and results in everything from weight gain to depression. But can DHEA affect your thyroid level? The simple answer is yes, it can, and here's why. 

What is DHEA? 

Dehydroepiandrosterone or DHEA is often referred to as the ant-aging hormone for a few different reasons. First, it's a precursor hormone produced primarily in the adrenal glands and to a lesser extent in the testes and ovaries. Second, DHEA comes to life through cholesterol. The body takes small amounts of cholesterol and converts them into DHEA. 

At this point, the body then takes the DHEA and changes it into other hormones, such as testosterone, progesterone, and estrogen. Some also call DHEA the mother of all hormones since it's the foundation for the other potent hormone messengers. 

DHEA hormone levels start to increase at the onset of puberty and continue to do so until about age 35. While amounts and tapering are different for each person, DHEA begins to decrease as one grows older. Hence, the anti-aging association. The more DHEA you have, the younger you feel regardless of your years. 

Hormones affect every area of your body, from the brain to the heart, and travel through the bloodstream to connect to waiting receptors. DHEA can also significantly impact the thyroid, and research shows that people with thyroid problems also may have low DHEA levels. 

What is Hypothyroidism?

Hypothyroidism is often called underactive thyroid disease. It's a common disorder that affects how much thyroid hormone is produced in the body. Your thyroid's primary function is to regulate how your body uses the energy from food intake. This process is commonly referred to as your metabolism. 

Metabolism affects body temperature regulation, heartbeat, and calorie burn. Low thyroid hormone causes these processes to become sluggish, resulting in low energy and slow metabolism. 

On the opposite side, you can have an overactive thyroid or hyperthyroidism. This condition is when too much of the thyroid hormone floods the body from a thyroid working overtime.

Causes of Hypothyroidism 

Primary hypothyroidism can develop for a few different reasons, but the main one is Hashimoto's thyroiditis. It's an autoimmune disorder that results in the inflammation of the thyroid gland. When you have Hashimoto's thyroiditis, your body makes antibodies that destroy and attack the thyroid gland. Other causes of primary hypothyroidism are the following: 

  • Viral infection
  • Radiation therapy
  • Use of certain medications
  • Thyroid surgery
  • Pregnancy
  • Pituitary damage
  • Problems with the thyroid at birth
  • Disorder of the hypothalamus

In addition to primary hypothyroidism, there is secondary hypothyroidism related to the production of hormones. The pituitary gland generates hormones that have a domino effect of triggering the release of the thyroid hormone. Therefore, if you have an issue with either of these glands, you may produce fewer thyroid hormones. 

Or, if you have less DHEA to convert to your body's necessary hormones, you may have fewer thyroid hormones, resulting in hypothyroidism. 

Symptoms of Hypothyroidism

Signs of hypothyroidism can be hard to spot because they are similar to other symptoms. But if you suspect you have the condition, the following are common symptoms: 

  • Constipation
  • Unexplained weight gain
  • Depression
  • Extreme tiredness
  • Joint pain
  • Muscle weakness
  • Dry skin
  • Dry hair and hair loss
  • Hoarse voice
  • Muscle weakness
  • Swelling of the thyroid gland
  • Puffy face
  • Elevated cholesterol

Testing for hypothyroidism means you need to have blood drawn to determine your thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and thyroxine (T4) levels. You can also have all your hormone levels checked at the same time. 

Symptoms of a DHEA Imbalance

DHEA symptoms, like hypothyroidism, can be similar to other conditions. But there is some indication that low DHEA levels can result in hypothyroidism since DHEA converts to TSH. DHEA low levels can have the following effects on your body that are similar to hypothyroidism, including:

  • Depression
  • Unexplained weight gain
  • Weak muscles
  • Low sex drive
  • Cardiovascular issues
  • Osteoporosis 
  • Fatigue
  • Drying and thinning skin
  • Aging

There is also some evidence to illustrate that less DHEA can shorten one's life. While this is unclear as to why and more research needs to be done, DHEA anti-aging compounds are higher for those who live longer than others. One study published in Clinical Chemistry showed that those with hypothyroidism had significantly lower levels of DHEA as well. 

Thyroid Optimization with DHEA

Treating hypothyroidism or low DHEA levels is possible with hormone therapy using DHEA. This is because the adrenal glands generate steroid hormones converted from DHEA, which the thyroid hormones may control. 

If all of this is correct, then many bothersome symptoms of hypothyroidism may come from low DHEA. Researchers believe that DHEA won't cure hypothyroidism, but it may alleviate the symptoms associated with the medical condition, including muscle weakness, weight gain, depression, and fatigue. If so, then thyroid optimization occurs, and this can provide total body balance. 

Speak to your doctor about having your hormone levels checked and discuss the possibility of DHEA hormone replacement therapy. 

What's the Best Supplement for Thyroid Optimization? 

Thyroid optimization can take time, and there's no easy cure, but DHEA hormone therapy can help. Choosing the right supplement for you is crucial to the process. BioLabs Pro spent years cultivating and refining their DHEA cream. It's made in a USA facility to the highest possible standards. As a topical cream, it's applied directly to the skin, and this method is superior to other formulations and dosage methods. 

Transdermal creams soak through the three layers of the skin to the bloodstream, bypassing the digestive system, which takes longer and can weaken the amount transferred in the body. 

The DHEA cream is then transferred to receptors that take the hormones and convert them to the missing hormones, like TSH. The therapy is simple, effective, and safe. There are two types of DHEA— Keto-DHEA and DHEA. 

If you're having trouble with your thyroid, DHEA has a profound effect on the function and production of TSH. So it's time to leap into thyroid optimization with DHEA. 

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